Whilst podcasting has been around for years, it seems that every day more and more people are becoming privy to this secreted multi-faceted source of entertainment and knowledge at their fingertips.
I first got into podcasting in 2013, but at the time it just felt like my target audience wasn’t there yet and after 45 episodes I paused ‘Where Catwalk Meets Commerce’. A few technological advancements later and here I am again with The Kelly Lundberg Podcast – a series of fireside talks that uncover the storylines of success and profitability from women who trail-blaze and cause waves in their industry. This time I’ve had a completely different experience. In just a few short weeks The Kelly Lundberg Podcast ranked as Top 15 Podcasts in the UAE for Entrepreneurship, Top 50 in the UK, Top 40 in the KSA and All-Time Downloads in New Zealand and Ireland!
Why is there so much power in podcasting? Stats show that it is predicted that there will be around 424 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2022.
There’s not a medium more personal as the human voice, which makes it the perfect place to consume content but also to create your own and utilise it as an additional marketing avenue and revenue stream.
In 2021, Diary of CEO host, Steven Bartlett shared how his podcast makes over $1.2 a year in revenue. Whilst your targets might start off a little smaller, in a nutshell growing a podcast following in business is one of the most affordable ways to build your personal brand AND grow your network
It is not as hard as you think to start your own podcast. Initially I was using zoom to create content with guests all over the world, but I have since upgraded to riverside, as the audio and video quality is far superior and I can now share the podcast as a long form video on YouTube (see told you it was great for content).

Here are a few other reasons why podcasts are great to help your personal brand;
- Cost Effective
You’ve probably already got all the equipment you need to start your podcast. If you have a smartphone, a pair of earphones and a laptop for uploading then you could even start right now. You’ll need a small enough room that’s furnished for acoustics, preferably where you feel comfortable enough to relax in, but this can even be a parked car on a quiet road. Of course, there’s more techy equipment out there that you might want to invest in like a good mic, but there are also podcast studio’s that come fully equipped and are hireable by the hour. However, the absence of which should not stop you from giving it a go and testing the waters.
- Easy to Consume
Unlike lengthy articles or video’s, podcasts can be consumed on the move. You could be doing the washing up, picking the kids up from school, taking the dog for a walk or sweating it out in the gym and still make it through to the end of a good podcast episode. This is probably one of the reasons why podcasts are currently booming – we’re all busy, we’ve all got stuff to do and this way we can do it and still hear what you have to say.
- Expands Your Reach
As a business owner this is always your goal and building your personal brand is ultimately no different. When you use a popular podcast directory like Stitcher or Apple Podcasts, you gain access to a huge audience. It also allows you to reach your niche audience more directly through their filters and categories – making it a great search engine for anyone looking to know more about your topic.
- Builds Intimacy
You know when you get really invested in a good TV series and it runs for several seasons to the point where you actually feel like you know the characters better than you do your own partner? – Podcasting can have the same effect. Your voice enters their homes, accompanies them on their journeys and the more they listen the more they really get to know you; your ticks, speech inflexions, even your laugh! You don’t get much more intimate than that – ticking off those personal branding goals (likeable, knowable and trustable) in one fair swoop.
When done right, podcasts can help you grow your business and become an effective way to generate new traffic and attract new customers. It is a modern branding too and one not to miss out on.