Words of the unseen


There are moments when we feel an unexplainable way, when there are no words that come to our mind to identify what we feel. It could be a good feeling, a bad feeling or just a moment of you realizing your existence in this big rock floating through time and space, but you won’t know the right words that’ll share your experiences with the world. We rarely come across words as such and consider this as one of those times. Here is a list of words you will probably use very few times in your life, with fewer people just because not everyone feels the need to find these words. If even one of these words speaks to you, then we’re already kindred. 

1. Hireath

Language: Welsh
Pronunciation: Heer-eye-eth
(n.) An aching mixture of nostalgia, longing and yearning for a place lost beyond hope or a place that never existed in the first place.

2. Vorfreude

Language: German
Pronunciation: Four-froi-duh
(n.) An indescribably exciting anticipation that comes from imagining a joyful future.

3. Retrouvaille

Language: French
Pronunciation: Ruh-troov-eye
(n.) The overwhelming happy feeling one experiences upon meeting someone from their past after a really long time of separation.

4. Redamancy

Language: English
Pronunciation: Red-a-man-see
(n.) It refers to the act of loving someone passionately, just as they love you. A love completely requited.

5. Forelsket

Language: Norwegian
Pronunciation: Files-que
(n.) The inexpressible feeling of intense excitement and joy experienced when one is falling in love.

6. Orenda

Language: Iroquoian
Pronunciation: Oh-ren-dah
(n.) An unfathomable spiritual force that exists within every living being, which has the power to change and affect the world around us and within us. 

7. Sillage

Language: French
Pronunciation: See-yazh
(n.) Generally refers to the little rippling waves of traces left in the water behind a boat which when taken in terms of perfume, refers to the residual scent of someone who had been there before.

8. Mágoa

Language: Portugese
Pronunciation: Mah-go-ah
(n.) It refers to when the sorrow and heartbreak within is too much to contain and your emotion reflects in your face and your gestures.

9. Razbluito

Language: Russian
Pronunciation: Ros-blee-oo-toe
(n.) A sentiment one has for the person they once had feelings for, but no longer does.

10. Lethologica

Language: Greek origin
Pronunciation: Leth-o-lo-gica
(n.) When you’re trying to think of something in particular but the right word simply escapes your thoughts.

11. Petrichor

Language: Greek origin
Pronunciation: Peh-truh-kaw
(n.) The ineffable scent of earth after a good rain, following a dry weather.

12. Moonstruck

Language: English
Pronunciation: Moon-struck
(n.) The inability to think or do anything normally, because of being in love beyond comprehension.

13. Dysania

Language: Greek origin
Pronunciation: Dysa-ni-a
(n.) The reluctant state of unwillingness to get out of bed in the morning. 

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